Transparent, stable leadership

Campaign update, week 16

This week you will receive your ballot to vote in the upcoming City of Perth elections.

I’m running for Perth Lord Mayor, and I make this commitment to you: I will serve full time, for a full term.

I will give the role the focus deserved. I won’t be distracted by other ambitions. 

This election, vote #1 Sandy Anghie for Perth Lord Mayor.

Don’t leave the ballot on your desk or the kitchen counter. Use it. Vote for a modern, progressive Perth.

I’m independent and not using the role as a stepping stone to State or Federal Parliament. 

I am committed to Local Government.

I am committed to our City, and focused on delivering for it every day. My success as a Councillor, putting policies to Council and getting them passed, is proof of that commitment.

I have a strong skill set across law, commerce, design and governance accumulated over my 25 year career; first as a lawyer, now as an architect and board member.

I’m the right person for the job of Perth Lord Mayor.

I will run a transparent and accountable City. Voters expect it, and demand it.

I am determined to lead a Council and a City that works for all residents and businesses. A City that genuinely listens and acts.

I have spent the last three years listening to business and residents. I have crafted their thoughts into my platform:

  1. Standing up for all City neighbourhoods

  2. Make Perth a 24 Hour City, building on the incoming ECU City Campus

  3. Enhanced safety measures

  4. Improve transparency and accountability

  5. Keep rates low and make residential parking permits free

  6. Work with all levels of Government to tackle homelessness

  7. Future proof our City with my Youth and Tech Action Plans

  8. Implement my Arts Mean Business Plan

  9. Continue my focus on sustainability and urban greening

  10. Refresh key streets and laneways in every City neighbourhood

Perth can be one of the most liveable cities in the world. The impending ECU City Campus can diversify our City economy, and bring an influx of students and new residents.

If we harness the unique power of our individual neighbourhoods, if we highlight what makes each of them special to us, we will have a City that others will fall in love with, just like we have.

If you have a vision for your City, you need to stay the course and implement it. It’s what voters expect.

And with me – it is what you will get.

Vote #1 Sandy Anghie for Perth Lord Mayor.




Check your letterbox; and Vote 1 Sandy Anghie for Perth Lord Mayor today!